

Monday, June 30, 2014

FirstCall Challenge

Hey friends,

So we had the third leg of the EPL season yesterday. Things didn't go to well for Widow Makers. We started off having a pretty rough day and this was an usual situation for us this season. Still not really sure what was going on with us, but we managed to fight back and win all the second round games and the 3rd matches against teams that had beat us in the first round taking us into the quarter finals. And thats as far as we went. We ended up taking 5th I think, still waiting for the official posting. Widow Makers Blue ended up taking 4th place so we are proud of them.

After this defeat, we are looking to really buckle down and fix a lot of the stupid errors we made during the event. We are work on less individual paintball and really work hard to be a well oiled machine of a team. We have a lot of talent, not we just need to unify it all as a solid unit. Another thing I think we will work on is building the endurance to play hard all day, even is the heat. By the next event, we should be coming out swinging like we should and playing how we should. One team one goal.

Due to the early end of our day and with substitutions, I only have 5 videos for y'all this time, shown below as always. Hope y'all enjoy.

Look forward to new posts as we continue to work hard and come together as a team to finish the rest of the season on that podium.

Game 1
Game 2
Game 3
Game 4
Game 5

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

EPL #2 and more goodies

I know I know, almost 3 months is far too long for a post, I'm getting bad.

Well to make up for the long time, I have a lot of cool stuff to let y'all in on. so, with that being said, lets get started.

So we had the second EPL event back in May. After a long fight and coming down to a 1v1, we ended up taking second. The overall mood of the team was disappointment but we are eager to get back to being number one. Much like the Day to Remember song title, 2nd sucks. We are looking to come back at full swing and get back to the top of the podium. I have some videos from the event which are below, but I will say, I didn't get all of the game due to gun issues and bouncing back between guns. But our second line, Widow Makers Blue, ended up taking 4th which is a big improvement over the 9th place of the first event.

Anothere cool thing that happened, is that I finally got to talk across the stage for graduation. It was a bitter sweet event due to the school closing its doors but thats for another blog. However, did get a new DM13 and got the DM7 some new parts so both are doing great. It is a shiny new toy, pics will be up at some point I'm sure.

Next thing on the agenda, apparently we have caused some noise with our performances. We are currently rank #1 in the league for our division, so that's pretty cool. this has gotten us a little bit of attention. A Virginia Beach field, Adventure Sports Park, has come to us wanting to make us their home team and sponsor us. We went out to the field and fell in love with it. This will lead us into being a PSP team next season. With would include sponsorships, practice paint, and other cool stuff yet to be finalized. So there will be more updates when I know more.

So again, I apologize for the long time between posts but I hope that the information makes up for it. So as promised, the video links are below. I hope y'all enjoy them and please ignore the gun issues haha.

Game 1
Game 2
Game 3
Game 4
Game 5
Game 6
Game 7
Game 8